Dear Parents and Student,

I hope you are doing well!

Thank you for being a part of LearnPhysics this year, and I am sure that by now you are seeing real benefits through tutoring classes. I am very happy to say we have several Unit 3/4 students achieving top 5 ranks through their SACs this year. This is a feat I believe every student can achieve regardless of their results in previous years.

The formula is quite simple:

  1. Learn the basics really well (my classes help here)
  2. Store key concepts in memory and be able to recall them (repetitive learning & teaching helps)
  3. Practice exam-style questions (VCE Cambridge Checkpoints and VCAA Past Exam papers are great)


After each class, please submit answers to 5 questions from the Checkpoints book (min 3 long answer questions). Students who do this show massive increases in results, so please do not skip this step after class.

Units 4 Headstart Classes

For those who took up headstart classes, we are just a couple of lessons away from finishing the entire study design! Congratulations if you stuck through and learnt unit 4 in advance! 🎓
After 2 weeks this class will become a class that revises the 5 most difficult topics of Uni3/4. All Year 12 students are encouraged to attend this class.


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Kind regards,
Lasi/ Dan

Physics Tutor

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